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Juiced Juiced Juiced

Basis Yield Farm

Basis Yield Farm

Basis Yield Farm

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Your one-stop shop for on-chain delta neutral yield farming

Earn juicy yields on the smartest delta neutral yield farm on Solana.

What is Juiced?

Juiced aims to be the ultimate defi yield farm, employing a variety of sophisticated automated strategies which were traditionally out of reach of retail investors. Our first deployed strategy is a delta neutral basis trade. Users will be able to deposit funds into Juiced pools (called cartons) and earn yield on their deposited USDC. Juiced will continue to expand by researching, developing and deploying cartons to generate low risk yet juicy returns for its users.

What is delta neutral?

Heard about crypto being volatile? Worried about it? We hear you! Here's where delta neutrality comes into play. Delta neutral strategies take multiple positions simultaneously so that the overall exposure to the underlying asset is zero.

What does this mean practically? With our basis yield strategy, we take a position in spot and an opposite direction position in the perpetual future whilst we collect funding. As the exposure of the spot position is cancelled out by the exposure of the opposite direction perp position, even if the underlying asset changes value drastically, the overall value of the positions remains unchanged. We've got you covered!